Dear fellow parishioners, here are the steps we will follow beginning at 12:30 PM on Pentecost Sunday
No parking is allowed in the church parking must remain in your cars, wear masks, form an orderly line and wait until you can pull up to the front of the church. We must abide by the Governor's orders, given the pandemic.
Be sure that you have first seen an either live-streamed or taped mass for Pentecost.
If you have not been to confession, please tell God your sins and say a sincere act of contrition. Should you have committed any serious sins, you must tell them to the priest when confession becomes more widely available
.Please maintain a
sacred atmosphere in your car before and after you receive.You should consider saying prayers on your ride home.
When it is your turn,
please put the car in park, lower your car windows and remove your masks if you wish to receive..Make sure that everyone about to receive has
sanitized their hands.
The priest will begin with a
sign of the cross to all in the car..he will say:
"Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world, blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb."
All in the car will then reply,
"Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed."
You and any person in the car with their mask lowered shall receive communion directly from the priest in your hands,
and the host cannot be passed to anyone in the car.
Please respond
AMEN. Note: please do not discuss anything with the priest, since you will be less than six feet apart and not wearing a mask.
As you pull away, there will be a basket where you can drop off any collection envelopes.